Prevailing Wage Guide


The Montana Prevailing Wage Law requires the prevailing wage rates established by the Montana Department of Labor & Industry be paid on public works contracts. The intent of the law is to:

  • protect local labor markets,
  • maintain the general welfare of Montana workers on public works projects,
  • eliminate wage cutting as a method of competing for public contracts,
  • maintain wages and rates paid on public works at a level to attract highly skilled laborers performing quality workmanship, and
  • prevent the rate of wages from adversely affecting the equal opportunity of Montana contractors to bid on public works.

Prevailing Wage Rate Schedules

Frequently Asked Questions


    • establishing prevailing wage rates for use on public works contracts,
    • conducting surveys to determine the prevailing wage rate schedules,
    • filing and issuing prevailing wage rates,
    • inspecting and auditing payroll records of contractors, and
    • investigating complaints of nonpayment of prevailing wage rates.
    • requesting the prevailing wage rate schedule from the Department of Labor & Industry,
    • providing prevailing wage rate schedules in public works contracts let out for bid,
    • provide wage rate adjustments for multi-year contracts in excess of 30 month contract and thereafter for the term of the contract, and
    • including a provision requesting the contractor to give preference to the employment of bona fide Montana residents.
    • posting a prevailing wage rate schedule in a prominent and accessible location on the site of the project or work area,
    • classifying workers in accordance with the craft or trade to be performed and paying the established prevailing wage rate,
    • providing wage rate adjustments for multi-year contracts in excess of 30 month contract and thereafter for the term of the contract,
    • keeping a record of hours and wages paid to the workers,
    • providing payroll records for inspection to the Department of Labor & Industry or the contracting agent upon request, and
    • ensuring that at least 50% of the workers, except where prohibited by federal law, performing labor on the project are Montana residents.

Wage Complaints

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The law provides that workers who have not received the prevailing wage rate on a public works contract may file a complaint with the Department of Labor & Industry, Investigations Section.
  • The Compliance and Investigations Bureau, as enforcers of the Prevailing Wage law, will conduct an investigation to determine the merits of the complaint and issue a determination of its findings.

    If a violation has been determined, the contractor, subcontractor or employer may be subject to penalties.

  • Compliance and Investigations Bureau
    PO Box 201503
    Helena, MT 59620-1503
    Phone: (406) 444-6543
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