Claims Examiner Certification

Claims Examiner Certification Data Dashboard

In 2009, the Montana Legislature created the Claims Examiner Certification process. This legislation establishes standards for certification of workers' compensation claims examiners handling workers' compensation claims in the State of Montana. It also provides requirements:

  • Complete the Claims Examiner Certification Exam
  • Renew every two years
  • Fulfill continuing education requirements
  • Provide qualifications for instructors

The Worker's Compensation Section of ESD handles these processes. This website will allow you to apply for a Certification Application and Testing Requirements; Renewal Certification and Continuing Education Application and Course Submission Application.

House Bill 757 Claims Examiner Certification Change

HB-757 changed the Claims Examiner Certification from a voluntary program to a requirement for Montana Workers’ Compensation claims examiners. Not sure if you're current on your certification? 

We have a new online Portal available to support our Claims Examiner Certification process. Please visit our online Portal to learn more.

Claims Examiner Certification

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