
Formulary Info

The fee schedule rule must be updated annually via the administrative rule amendment process in order to comply with the provisions of 39-71-704(3)(b)(i) and (ii), MCA (2017).
In May 2017, the Montana Legislature passed SB312, authorizing the Department of Labor & Industry to adopt a drug formulary for the workers' compensation system. The formulary will work in conjunction with the Utilization & Treatment guidelines and is intended to provide uniformity in prescribing medications to injured workers. The formulary took effect April 1, 2019 for all new claims.
This list was developed by ODG (Work Loss Data Institute) and includes drugs most commonly prescribed for work-related injuries. Each drug on the list is given a preferred ("Y") or non-preferred ("N") status. The list only includes drugs determined to be effective for the treatment of work-related injuries. Providers interested in the underlying evidence and studies used to determine drug status can choose to purchase an ODG subscription at
This page maintains and updates the formulary drug list on a monthly or as needed basis and archives past drug lists for a period of 5 years. The Utilization and Treatment Guidelines medical group, which includes a pharmacist, reviews updates on an annual basis to ensure reliability.

Current Formulary List

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Formulary Working Group

Doug Buman LMAC-Labor Laborers' International Union
Becky Curtis Injured Worker Take Courage Coaching
Leslie Dalpiaz IW Attorney Dalpiaz Law
Mark Eichler PharmD Mountain-Pacific Quality Health
Michele Fairclough Insurer Montana State Fund
Tony King Pharmacist CVS
Char Lewis-Richards Nurse Practitioner St Peters Hospital
Mike Marsh Adjuster Midland Claims
John Petrisko Medical Director Billings Clinic
Lance Zanto LMAC-Management State of Montana WC Program

Contact Information

Employment Standards Division
Attn: Formulary Committee
PO Box 8011
Helena, MT 59604
Tel: 406-444-6543
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