On September 22nd, the Montana Department of Labor and Industry Employment Relations Division offered a virtual stakeholder meeting in which Dave Sosnow from the AMA provided a background presentation on the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Impairment - 6th edition, 2021.
Montana providers currently use the 2008 version of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment 6th edition when performing impairment ratings. The use of the AMA 6th edition is outlined in MCA 39-71-711, which states that an impairment rating "must be based on the sixth edition of the American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment." For this reason, future use of the AMA Guides 6th edition, 2021 would require a legislative change. The Montana Department of Labor and Industry provided this forum for the AMA to present information on the AMA Guides 6th edition, 2021 to Montana stakeholders and provide an opportunity for stakeholders to ask question about this update.
If Montana stakeholders would like to have a conversation on a local level, DLI can facilitate that discussion – please send Dr. Maggie Cook-Shimanek, Medical Director, an email. margaret.cook-shimanek@mt.gov.
Phone: (406) 444-6543
P.O. Box 8011
Helena, MT 59604
301 South Park Avenue
Floors 4 and 5
Helena, MT 59601