Requirements and Recommendations

Every Employer Shall Establish, Implement and Maintain an Educational Based Training Program Which Shall, at a Minimum:

  • Provide each new employee with a general safety orientation containing information common to all employees and appropriate to the business operations, before they begin their regular job duties.

    RECOMMENDATIONS: The orientation should contain both oral and written instruction and include, but not be limited to, information on:

    • accident & hazard reporting procedures
    • emergency procedures
    • fire safety
    • first aid
    • personal protective equipment
    • work site hazards
  • Provide job or task-specific safety training appropriate for employees before they perform that job or task without direct supervision.

    RECOMMENDATIONS: The training should:

    • Include specific safety rules, procedures and hazards
    • Identify the employer's and employee's responsibilities regarding safety in the workplace
    • Be conducted by personnel knowledgeable of the task being trained
    • Be conducted when program is established, when employees job assignments change, when new substances are introduced to the workplace, and when a new hazard is identified
  • RECOMMENDATIONS: The training should:

    • Be held as is appropriate, but at least annually
    • Contain material to maintain and expand knowledge and awareness of safety issues in the workplace
  • Provide a system for the employer and their employees to develop an awareness and appreciation of safety through tools such as newsletters, periodic safety meetings, posters, and safety incentive programs.
  • Provide periodic self-inspection for hazard assessment when the safety program is implemented, new worksites are established, and thereafter as is appropriate to the business operations, but at least annually, which:
    • Identifies hazards and unsafe work practices or conditions
    • Identifies corrective actions needed; and
    • Documents corrective action taken
  • Include documentation of performance of activities listed in (1) through (5) above. This documentation must be kept by the employer for three years.

    RECOMMENDATIONS: Documentation should include:

    • Date, time, location and description of training, inspections, and corrective actions
    • List of participants, i.e. inspectors, trainers, participants
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