Labor Law Training and Education

As part of an ongoing effort to ensure compliance with applicable laws and to enhance good labor/management relations in the private and public sectors, the Labor Standards Bureau is available to provide training on aspects of the wage and hour and employment law and information relating to Montana's Public Contracts/Prevailing Wage Law, as well as laws pertaining to collective bargaining in the public sector. Additionally, for public sector employers, staff from the bureau are available to provide training and facilitation in interest based problem resolution and labor management committees. Recent wage and hour presentations have been to the following groups:

  • Small Business Entrepreneurial Roundtable
  • Montana Association of School Board Administrators
  • JSEC (Job Service Employer Councils) Butte, Kalispell,
    Anaconda, Missoula, Glasgow, Bozeman
  • Montana Association of School Board Officials
  • Great Falls High School DECA & Business Classes
  • Montana Conference on Education Leadership
  • College of Technology (Great Falls & Helena)
  • League of Cities and Towns
  • Montana Bar Association

Contact Information

If you are interested in more information on the availability of wage and hour training and topics covered in the training, contact Amy Smith at

Assistance for Business Clinics will give you up-to-date information on employment, safety, and tax laws. The Clinics also offer explanations and requirements of the laws and help in filling out required forms for your business. To access the Assistance for Business Schedule, click here.

For information about interest-based problem resolution training or labor-management committee training, please click here.